Waverley Scottish Society
Welcome to the Waverley Scottish Society. We are a group of Scottish Country Dancers who run regular dancing classes in Mt Waverley, a south-eastern suburb of Melbourne.
Our classes are held on Monday nights from March to November at 8pm (excluding Easter Monday) at the Mt Waverley Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St Rd, Mt Waverley. Cost is $6 per night if paying by the term; $7 per night on a casual basis.
Scottish Country Dancing
The Society teaches Scottish Country Dancing, not to be confused with Highland dancing. Scottish Country Dancing classes provide fitness, fun and friendship - done to the beat of lively music. Beginners and experienced dancers are welcome. No partner or special clothes are necessary; just a pair of soft, flat shoes. More information on Scottish Country Dancing can be found here.
Contact Us
General Enquiries:
email wavscd@gmail.com
New or Experienced dancers:
If you wish to speak to our teachers, Margaret and Ross Gawler, please email margoqt@hotmail.com or call 95048373