About Us
Classes are held on Mondays at the Mt Waverley Uniting Church Hall, 482 High St Rd, Mt Waverley from 8.00 to 10.00 pm. They run from March - November, except for Easter Monday. Classes involve practising steps, learning new dances and enjoying old ones and end with a light supper. Our first class for 2022 will be Monday February 28.
Class fees are $6 per night if paying by the term or $7 per night if paying on a casual basis. Full details of the Class Pricing Schedule can be found here.
Our teachers, Margaret and Ross Gawler, are happy to talk to you about joining or visiting us. You can contact them on 95048373 or margoqt@hotmail.com
Socials are held on the third Saturday of March, May, September and November, usually at our class venue. Entry is by $10 donation for dancers; $7 for non-dancers.
Our next Social is : Saturday March 16 at 8pm
President - Ted Smith
Vice President - Bianca Salter
Secretary - Leanne Smith
Treasurer - Ross Gawler
Ordinary Members - Chris Thorne
Liliana Flood
Leonie Ellerton
Teachers - Margaret Gawler
Ross Gawler
Ross and Margaret Gawler with Ted and Leanne Smith at 2019 Winter School
Photo - Jill Pope
In 1968, a group of people met in the Glen Waverley Presbyterian Church with the intention of forming a pipe band. One attendee, Frank Kennedy, suggested that while some were mastering the pipes and drums, others might like to master Scottish country dancing. Thus, the Waverley Scottish Society was formed. In 1974, the pipe band combined with another group leaving the Waverley Scottish Society as an exclusively Scottish country dancing group. Sheena and Bill McLatchie were made life members of the Society in 2013. In 2018, our group celebrated 50 years of dancing.
Some of our members are also members of the Melbourne & District Branch of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS). The RSCDS has affiliated groups all over the world where international visitors are always welcome.
Sheena and Bill McLatchie accepting their life memberships from Ross Gawler